Heights Park Cemetery

PCLA has completed detail design for tender and the Stage 1 includes new burial berms and a children’s memorial grove centred on a stand of totara trees.  This grove is accessed off the stage one hearse access.  The totara grove has a central nest swing, seats and concentric beams that will reflect the grove circle.  The west division concept has been updated and expands the children’s areas while using the existing totara trees to guide development in this area.

The PCLA masterplan for Heights Park includes to extend the existing road to create a loop through the adjacent pasture.  This east division includes for continued burial where grazing is currently occurring.  The road will provide a continuous loop with portions of parallel parking and a hearse turning hammerhead.  This provides access to two further burial plots of 2,200 each, mostly double beams aligned with the contours.

The long term masterplan includes for a chapel and crematorium next to existing restrooms.  The two new buildings will be given their own vehicular access and terraced surrounds for pedestrian activity.  This nucleus of structures will include ash niche walls, other ash options and courts for chapel spill out activity.