Cornerstone Group Ltd, Waimauku

Patrick Corfe Landscape Architects prepared the Landscape and Visual Assessment for Cornerstone Group Ltd to incorporate a Cafe, Restaurant and Convention Centre on their 486 ha site at Waimauku. The cafe was situated on the North Auckland Railway Line and to be themed accordingly. The investigations resulted in changes to the building surrounds, parking and circulation systems and greater integration with its local context. The proposals included nine planting zones, pedestrian walks, protection and enhancement of existing vegetation and hydrology.

The building was located well off State Highway 16 and against a backdrop of elevated pastoral hillsides. The indicative sectional elevations demonstrate the extent of rural land and building scale in relation to contour and Renall’s Hill in particular. The Cafe was to become a catalyst for farm wide improvements as well as a venue for locals and visitors to enjoy with access from SH.16. The improvements were in part mitigation but also evidence of new trends in farm management that will ultimately initiate changes in rural character.

Craggy Range, Hawkes Bay

Patrick assisted Andy Coltart with this proposed lifestyle development to open up some sections in plantation forest block.  The design intent was to go for a low key, relaxed and authentic rural appeal.  The elevation allows for dramatic views and framed vistas.  The plan included to generate a generous, bold approach using large scale recycled, rustic timber.  Pockets of pine trees were cleared for building platforms and views opened up by thinning in selected areas.  The planting of upright deciduous trees reinforced vertical form and provide seasonal contrast.

Euchre Farm, Hawkes Bay

This proposed concept for an equestrian lifestyle development by Andy Coltart offered a range of good sized sections close to and adjacent the Tuki Tuki River.  The current farm buildings were to be expanded to offer an equestrian centre, stable and barn complex alongside a proposed horse arena.  The gentle low rolling pastoral setting is enhanced with park scale deciduous trees and well-defined circulation.  Our input was to define the bridle paths, main road and house sites to predetermine development platforms and lot sizes.  Horse chestnut trees lined these roads to reinforce the parkland identity.  The outlook and sections will enhance a lifestyle of generous proportions and open scenery.

Manunui Farm Park

This application is for a subdivision and boundary adjustment creating 16 rural residential lots through the protection of natural areas. These lots have been dispersed across the northern part of the site with access gained off the existing private road. A Landscape and Visual Assessment was prepared by Patrick Corfe Landscape Architects. Lots were carefully selected to avoid prominent ridge lines and exposed areas. The proposal included mitigation and enhancement planting and site specific development controls and guidelines. The application site is in excess of 480ha and includes 130ha of bush and 22ha of Significant Natural Area to be protected. The site is located approximately 2km inland on the slopes of Mt Tamahunga.

Parkhill Farm

Parkhill Farm occupies a 71 hectare site on the low coastal hills at Haumoana where it overlooks surrounding vineyards to the Hawkes Bay coast. This landscape is one of transition; lying between the intensive agriculture of the Heretaunga Plains and the scenic pastoral ranges of the TukiTuki Special Character Zone. The farm utilizes this mixed landscape pattern by integrating both qualities with an overriding sense of permeability.

Inspired by the surrounding productive landscape and coastal outlook, the proposals for Parkhill Farm evolved with the vision to maintain a practical, viable farm into which house lots have been immersed. The mixed use proposal was to be undertaken in a sensitive manner that responded to existing land use patterns and maintained the visual integrity of the wider landscape. The objective within the site was to retain the sites authentic rural appeal and avoid a picturesque park.

Patrick Corfe Landscape Architects were awarded a ‘Gold Award’ in the Rural/Park/ Residential design category as well as an ‘Award of Excellence for Sustainability’ for Parkhill Farm in the New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architecture Pride of Place Awards.

Raratu, Hawkes Bay

The client developed several selected house platforms and transformed the historic homestead on this property.  A wealth of mature trees extended around the site and the old homestead retained its heritage appeal and tremendous outlook.  The upgrade on this riverside property was exceptional and the entrance, drive and surrounds have been replanted to add to the existing character and charm of the setting.

Tapu Point, Opua

Patrick Corfe Landscape Architects Ltd prepared the Landscape and Visual Assessment for Tapu Point, Opua in the Bay of Islands. The proposal included utilizing an established boat ramp and historical boat sheds to create a dwelling at the water’s edge. The intention was to restore a maritime activity and to facilitate a shared dwelling up to whose floor boards the tide would lap. Many of the boat maintenance and service aspects were to remain, along with continued pedestrian access across the small peninsula. The site is historically sensitive as it was a staging post for Maori waka travelling up stream at low tide. Alongside its historical significance the site continues to be visually sensitive with views to the site from the ferry route to Russell and from coastal homes in Opua. The site benefited from large mature Pine trees and Pohutukawa and an evaluation of the visual implications of the proposal made reference to these trees and the existing buildings. The impact of the building was evaluated from a range of viewpoints from land and water. Evidence was prepared by PCLA and submitted at hearings in Kaikohe. PCLA were responsible for subsequent adjustments to building form and location and the inclusion of stonewalls and planting.

Te Mata Residential Dwelling

The application was for a substantial dwelling prominently located on the eastern coast of Coromandel. While on a ridge beside a Pa site the location was preapproved and a building envelope pre determined. A design process and Visual Assessment included liaison with Council and the Councils Landscape Architect representative consultant to achieve a comprehensive approach to this proposal. Surveyors stakes and heights were verified and photographed with accurate photo montages generated to evaluate views from the road and beach/intertidal foreshore. Mitigation included extensive revegetation and lowering of the building platform and profile.

Tolhopf Road Rural Subdivision, Puhoi

The proposals included 22 residential lots and a stage 4 extension of Tolhopf Road. The subdivision was on the basis of the protection of extensive areas of native bush (Approx 181ha). A landscape and visual assessment was provided with landscape guidelines, specific development controls, building guidelines and comprehensive revegetation with low plantings, vegetative swales and fencing requirements. Lots were rated as to sensitivity and attributed with appropriate controls in response to 4 categories of visibility. The site was 47km north of Auckland and 6km west of the SH1, well clear of Pakiri Village.