Auckland High Court, Memorial Park

PCLA won a competition to design a memorial park for the Ministry of Justice.  The location was the main historic south tower, façade and portico of the Auckland High Court.  The objective was to undertake a memorial park and to celebrate judicial values and underpin the enduring values of justice.  The stonework is symbolic of the weight of this responsibility and its enduring but often evolving character.  The inscriptions provide scope for reflection and reinforce the memorial mood of the stonework.

With respect to the heritage aesthetic the design is laid out to address the old High Court façade.  Responds to the historic quality of those aesthetics and articulates a simple, bold, understated edge that separates the grass lawn from the clay tile paving.  The low basalt stone wall reflects the built outline, retains a central flagpole and maintains open views across the lawn from the road.  Upstands add to the low wall with natural stone chosen to complement the façade pedestal of the High Court.

Coatesville Reserve

Patrick Corfe Landscape Architects Ltd were involved in preparing concept plans for community consultation on the Coatesville Reserve, part of Rodney District Council. This masterplanning was followed through with a Stage One detailed design. The early priority was to establish an entrance and spill out area from the existing hall to be used for barbeques and other events.

PCLA design included the following elements: Extension of deck onto patio area with raised planters, pergola, and seating to provide spill over and outdoor area for functions. Design of formal entrance to fit in with existing and to include sponsored bricks as features. Sections of stone wall mark the entrances to the reserve. Rationalisation of site drainage and using stormwater detention pond. Planting designed to be in keeping with rural nature of site and to provide shade, and ecological value.

Downing Street Reserve, Glenfield, Auckland

Located across from the Glenfield shopping mall and skate land/recreation centre, the site extends from the Tavern along Downing Street. The proposals included significant earthworks, stonewalls, pathways a watercourse, seating and activity areas. Features included design elements either side of Downing Street and pedestrian links between open space, retail and recreational facilities. The steep site was recontoured for accessible gradients to outlooks, to create amphitheatre space and useable open space. The Domain is a predominantly passive public space integrating improvements with expansion of the retail centre.

Karangahape Road Plaza

The central plaza was created by the closure of Mahon Street while maintaining an emergency vehicular route through the development. Level changes contributed a series of steps to orientate audiences to the central performance area. This amphitheatre effect combined with the structure flex canopy overhead enables events, festivals and markets to take place. Transplanted mature palms and strategic plantings helped to create a Pacific atmosphere for the realignment of the street. Seating is provided in a series of well defined zones that take advantage of sun, shade, and shelter. The cafe and retail link through to Karangahape Road and the awnings and translucent canopy blur the distinction between inside and out. An open colonnade wraps around the space and mediates between the taller buildings and the pedestrian plaza. The siteworks budget was in the order of six million dollars from an overall hundred million dollar project. The softworks for the landscape amounted to half a million dollars. The design was amongst the first to advocate a holistic approach to city living with pedestrianised street and plaza. This mixed land use was key to providing activity at ground level to create a vibrant human scale open space. The design won the gold award for its category presented by the Landscape Industries Association.

Marsden Cove

Marsden Cove is a Hopper Developments Ltd Marina and Canal development south of Whangarei. It offers residential properties with private moorings, public boat ramps, marina access and all tide, deep water access with a dredged channel into Whangarei Harbour. Patrick Corfe Landscape Architects Ltd have been involved in several stages of planning, detail design and installation for Stage One proposals. This includes revegetation, wetland and stream plantings, streets, open spaces and beach reserve areas. A substantial commercial zone adjacent the marina with a weir/lock link to the central marina and Stage Two residential has also been designed for Resource Consent.

Massey University, Albany

The new Student Amenities Centre landscape at the Massey campus in Albany provides a social hub for the university students and teachers alike. Opened officially in March 2012.

As a central pivot point it marks the core of the student facilities and a transition from existing buildings towards ongoing expansion projects. The building provides health and counselling support and ground floor refreshment and retail activity. These open out onto a wide concourse through a covered colonnade lead out into a generous canopy area and plaza space.

In establishing a more contemporary identity, the architecture and open space takes a significant departure from its Spanish mission character. A rhythm of columns retains a colonnaded building perimeter and echoes the style of covered links elsewhere on campus. The centre cladding makes reference to the dominant terracotta roof materials and the tree species follow established patterns.

As the social and cultural heart of the campus the space provides an opportunity to embody the close relationship with Tangata Whenua. A series of seven stainless steel Pou sculptures are well spaced around the plaza. They represent the stages on the journey of learning, from inception to infinity- Te Kunenga Ki Purehuroa. The first pou has the word Kakano to represent the seeding of a thought, and the seventh and tallest has the words Tiki Tiki o Rangi, or the highest place in the heavens to represent ultimate achievement, in this case academic excellence.

North Harbour Stadium, Albany

Patrick Corfe Landscape Architects were involved in preparation of plans for extensive site works to figure eight double sports/events arenas and open space. The arena and sportsfields supported by substantial parking with hard surfaces draining to crescent swales. Substantial suspended canopy over the stand and infrastructure with tube lighting columns central to open space as key feature for Albany centre. Two contoured arenas for open air sports/events with amphitheatres of spectator car parks sheltered by enclosed planting. Comprehensive large shade tree plantings in scale with buildings and wider open space. Extensive plantings to embankments, swales, car parks and adjacent stream area. Emphasis was put on easily readable pedestrian and vehicular circulation, well defined routes and links to wider open space system. Bold massed plantings and good ground level visual penetration, simple blocks of colour and restricted plant palette.

Sherwood Reserve

Patrick Corfe Landscape Architects prepared a masterplan for Sherwood Reserve in Browns Bay 2013‑2015 and after approvals from the local board, focused on the playground area.  Following local student’s input and existing themes the design incorporated a medieval concept.  This was manifest in restored gazebo structure as a castle silhouette and tent like double shade sail feature.  The proposals included a range of hand crafted macrocarpa furniture provided as part of a community project by the Department of Corrections.  The solid items of furniture had sculpted forms, thrones and figurative qualities robust enough to clamber over.  Banquet style seating – picnic tables – and “stocks” provide for events, family activity and “selfie” opportunities.

With local children’s help a separate “floor as lava” trail offering a challenge for older kids.  A nest tower and swing provide additional challenges and lead visitors into a less well used portion of the park.  Long term connectivity will link across the reserve towards the north joining up with an alterative route down into Browns Bay.